
We are really excited to announce the launch of a new line of products for us – the Tactical Assault: Game Tools™.  The Game Tools are a line of gaming aids intended to help players get more out of their favorite games by saving them preparation time, giving them a variety of components to use and even by creatively adapting the way their games can be played.

While most of the products in the line will be designed with an eye towards their use with the Tactical Assault: Combat Cards™ or the Tactical Assault: Fantasy Cards™, all of the Game Tools are easily tweaked to work with just about any other game system or genre – from tabletop miniatures to role-playing and board games.

To illustrate the point (and to show off a bit) here is a preview one of our first offerings in the line:


Tactical Map Sets are a single map panel overlaid with large (30mm = 1⅛ inch) hexes for use with the Tactical Assault: Legendary Battles™ rules.  What makes this product really unique however, is that the download file is built with layers that can be turned on and off to create a variety of different maps from just the one file (20+ different maps in most cases).

In addition the maps are designed to be geomorphic, so once they are printed out and trimmed up, they can be laid out in a variety of different ways. And since you can print as many copies of each map as you want, you can make those map layouts as big as you like!

(For more information on how to use the maps and the layer function check out the Free Instructions and the free Sample Map on the Downloads page.)

Now, you might say “Well, I don’t play the Legendary Battles rules…” or even “I don’t play any of the Tactical Assault games, so how will this product work for me?“. Well, here are just a few ideas:

 Mecha Miniatures Games
The bases of these miniatures should fit nicely within a hex.

6mm (1/300) Or 3mm (1/600) Miniatures
When you don’t want to set up a full battlefield of terrain, use the maps as your battlefield. These miniatures too, should fit nicely within a hex.

Role Playing Games
Several maps placed together would make a quick and easy area of exploration for a party of characters, a base of operations, etc. Plus there is plenty of room to write notes in each hex as well.

Board Games
As a new battlefield for an existing game – especially games using the “block” style pieces.

…and everything else that folks will think up and share with us.

As new stuff in the line gets released over the coming weeks, there will also hopefully be a steady stream of articles on the site with ideas, tips & tricks and tutorials on how to use and adapt the different products, so stay tuned.

Until then, get your working gloves on and prepare to dive into the toolbox…