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Info… New Army Of The Week

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

We just posted a new Army of the Week. We have been meaning to change these out more often, but with all that has been going on around here with playtesting, design work, etc. they have been slipping through the cracks. Hopefully, we will be able to start posting these again more regularly. Enjoy this one in the meantime!

Info… New Yahoo Group!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

After numerous requests we have set up a Yahoo Group for folks to discuss all things related to Tactical Assault Games – including the Combat Cards & the Fantasy Cards!  The group is called the AssaultGroup (clever, eh?) in the Yahoo Groups area. You can also follow the link below to go directly to the group’s site:


Why wait to sign-up? Join now (it’s free!) and help enrich the Combat Cards & Fantasy Cards community with your questions, ideas, scenarios and anything else you can think of…

Tips & Tricks… Clearing Your Hand

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Sometimes during a battle players may find themselves stuck with a few cards in their hand that they really can’t use. It might be because they don’t have a particular unit in their force that could use the card, or it might be due to the fact that the unit that can use the card is currently Shaken or Out of Action on the battlefield.

Either way, it becomes necessary to get the useless cards out of your hand and reload with some cards you can use right now. Below are a few tips and tricks for being able to effectively clear out your hand without sacrificing too much of the initiative to your opponent. (more…)