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December 4, 2012

We just realized it has been a while since we have had an update here on the site. Rest assured, a lack news is not for a lack of anything going on – we have just been so busy it slipped under the radar.

Here are some of the things we have been working on:

New Tech Card Set Coming
We are working to put the finishing touches on the next expansion for the Technology Cards. This time it will be chock full of sci-fi technologies to add to your Combat Card battles.

Print-On-Demand Commercially Printed Versions
We are also working on adjusting the formatting of the Combat and Fantasy Cards to allow for them to be printed as a finished deck by a commercial printer on a Print-On-Demand basis. While we have not yet seen the proofs, we have been assured that the cards that folks will get will be really top notch – thick glossy card stock, rounded corners, etc. We are hoping to have more information on the availability of these in the new year.

Solo Cards Progress
Work continues on the solo versions of the Combat and Fantasy Cards. The basic mechanics are pretty much done, we are now just working the kinks out of the scenario structure. So far they accomplish everything we had hoped for – they perform just like a regular game for the player, are easy to set-up and run and are useable for any genre normally covered by the games. In addition, the test battles have proven to be very fun & unpredictable and will really lend themselves to extended campaigns.

So there is a little taste of what we are working on around here. Hopefully, it won’t be quite so long before the next update… 😉

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Designer Q&A…

October 22, 2012

In this installment a couple of questions about deploying forces in the Combat Cards are discussed…

When my friend and I play a game, we usually just deploy our forces along our table edges and set out some objectives in the middle of the table. Unfortunately our battles always seem to end in a stalemate, with neither of us able to get to any of the objectives – we instead just sit and shoot at each other. Are we doing something wrong?

You really aren’t doing anything wrong; it is just that the rules are just working the way they are supposed to.  As can be seen in numerous historical examples, moving in the face of a concentrated enemy force is usually going to prove costly and fruitless.

Whenever folks deploy along an edge of a battlefield they are in effect setting up “gun-lines”, a powerful formation created when a mixture of long and short range weapons interweave their fields of fire to make movement on the battlefield almost impossible. [Read more…]

Category: Designer Q&A...


October 5, 2012

Just a quick hit to let folks who didn’t realize it know that there is a new Idea of the Week up. this time is talks about cheat sheets for the various expansion sets. Enjoy!

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